1). It is compulsory for the student to complete 75 % of their attendance in the year to be eligible for final examination or to be eligible for any academic award.
2. All the children are expected to attend the school on the opening day after each of the vacation. Any child who was absent on the previous day will be only allowed to attend to class with leave application signed stating the reason for absence.
3. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more then seven continuous day renders the students liable to have his/her name stuck off the rolls. Re – admission may be grated only on payment of fresh admission fee provide the vacancy still exists.
4. A student returning to school after suffering from an infection or contagious or contagious disease, must produce a doctor’s fitness certificate permitting him/her to do so.
- Chicken pox : Till the scabs fall completely.
- Cholera : Till the child has completely recovered.
- Measles : Two weeks after rash disappears.
- Mumps : Until the swelling has gone.
- Whooping Cough : Six Weeks
- Jaundice : Six Weeks
- Conjunctivitis : Till the redness has done.
5. Absent will be marked for the whole day if the child is taken back by the parents in some extraordinary conditions during the day.